Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Hello hello hello!

I am on a week's leave! Yippy.

Anyway guys, I just wanna share a good news! I am "promoted" to a new department and of course pay increment. All this will not come true without God. Really thankful for the opportunity :) :) :) I will commence on September thus speaks of my week's leave. All Glory To My King :)

I was reading some blogs and something this blogger wrote caught my heart

"... we are all products of our past, but we are not prisoners of our past."

Alot of people based their lives on guilt, condemnation, and these people are the ones never truly happy about their lives, living in resentment all the time.

People's perspective of us won't change until we learn to truly love ourselves, accept ourselves and respect ourselves. Don't behave like weak baby Christians, those are the ones that never truly know who their King is.

Know your identity in the King.
Don't shortchange your destiny with all these minute passings of the past. Gear yourself up, prepare yourself. What is your conviction that has brought you so far? Are you still sitting on The Rocking Chair?