Wednesday 29 August 2007

Hello hello hello!

I am on a week's leave! Yippy.

Anyway guys, I just wanna share a good news! I am "promoted" to a new department and of course pay increment. All this will not come true without God. Really thankful for the opportunity :) :) :) I will commence on September thus speaks of my week's leave. All Glory To My King :)

I was reading some blogs and something this blogger wrote caught my heart

"... we are all products of our past, but we are not prisoners of our past."

Alot of people based their lives on guilt, condemnation, and these people are the ones never truly happy about their lives, living in resentment all the time.

People's perspective of us won't change until we learn to truly love ourselves, accept ourselves and respect ourselves. Don't behave like weak baby Christians, those are the ones that never truly know who their King is.

Know your identity in the King.
Don't shortchange your destiny with all these minute passings of the past. Gear yourself up, prepare yourself. What is your conviction that has brought you so far? Are you still sitting on The Rocking Chair?

loving out of my comfort zone is true love flowing from within"

"if you find yourself someone in love with you but you don't love him back, feel honored that love came and called at your door, but gently refuse the gift you cannot return. do not take advantage; do not cause pain. how you deal with love is how you deal with yourself. all our hearts feel the same pains and joys, even if our lives and ways are different."

Loving is giving from the innermost part of our lives.

quotes from purplefaith

"loving out of my comfort zone is true love flowing from within"

"if you find yourself someone in love with you but you don't love him back, feel honored that love came and called at your door, but gently refuse the gift you cannot return. do not take advantage; do not cause pain. how you deal with love is how you deal with yourself. all our hearts feel the same pains and joys, even if our lives and ways are different."

Loving is giving from the deepest most of our life.

Monday 27 August 2007

Hello everyone!

Yes it a braaaaaaaaand new week!

3 cheers!

Well hope everyone like the new layout yeah? We grow and learn along the way, so do give advices if you wanna improve this place, most welcome!

Just like what BR say, lets really do a change in our thinking/mindset. We will not grow until we make a decision to change the way we think. View thing in another perspective. Change your glasses if need be (pun intended). If you are not growing, review your thinking and change it. We improve as we keep in trying and trying !

The story BR shared got me back to the saturday evening when Joyce Meyer preached about The Rocking Chair. Are you struggling with what you already have? Start using and maximizing your gifts and talents. :)

Keep on improving!

love is what truly matters

The law of giving- It is essential to receive love, but it's better to give love.

God Of My Forever

God of my forever...

Sunday 26 August 2007


Hey guys feel free to checkout this website! It previews some nice food

Thursday 23 August 2007

Story of a Beggar

Hey Guys!

Firstly, kudos to Peggie for revamping our cg blog! "Clap, clap, clap!"

Secondly i just want to share with you something which impacted me greatly.

There lived a poor beggar in the streets of Calcutta, begging for a living everyday. His parents were beggars, so were his grand parents. They were honest folks, and ever tried to take on different jobs other than begging. No matter what they tried, from being a waiter, construction worker, admin assistant, they never quite became successful in what they did. They ended up going back to begging.

One day in his despair, he began to cry out to God. Flailing his hands in anger, He cried out, "Is there a God out there? Why would He be so cruel to make my entire generation beggars? If there ever exist a God, let Him appear to me right now!"

Of course, God heard his cries. But please dont try this at home. Anyway, so God suddenly appeared to this beggar, and said " I have heard your cries. I shall grant you three wishes. Anything and whatsoever you desire, i shall give it unto you."

The beggar couldnt believe his good fortune, and rubbed his hands with glee. All that he ever dreamed of, would be his from today onwards! He remembered that as a child growing up, he used to look with envy how the senior beggar's children were able to beg and eat from a nice plastic bowl. So without hesitation he said, " God, i want the nicest and classiest plastic bowl in the whole world!" He was thinking, " Boy, will i be the envy of every beggar now!" In an instant, an elegant plastic bowl appeared before his eyes. There were intricate designs all over it; it was love at first sight.

Then he began to think, what else could he ask for. Suddenly an image came to his mind. He remembered seeing in the latest beggar's weekly that the latest and most fashionable bowl was the stainless steel bowl. "A stainless steel bowl it shall be then!" The next moment, a stainlesteel bowl appeared beside his nice plastic bowl. It was also a top grade stainless steel bowl. The best that money could ever buy in those days.

Finally, God spoke to the beggar, "choose wisely, for this would be your last request." The beggar agreed with God. He then sat down pensively, in deep thought. All of a sudden, his face lit up with excitement. "Eureka!" He exclaimed! I shall never again eat cold rice again! With that, he asked God for a rice cooker.

Haha.. i had a good time adding in stuff into the story.. but the gist is there.

Maybe after reading this, we think that the beggar is such an idiot. But hey, you cant really blame him can we? What was his IDENTITY? He was so convinced that he was a beggar, that everything he asked was to meet the need of the beggar. It could be the best that a beggar could have, but even then, it would never help him achieve a change in identity.

Today, God has given us a new identity. We are sons and daughters of God. Are we still asking as if we are still beggars? If we are, then it is time for us to step into our new destiny. Have a change in your mindset. The way you see things, the way you do things. Only then will we be able to live the life that God wants us to live. In everything, it will be done according to our faith. Where is your faith today?


Tuesday 14 August 2007

Sun we are proud of you!

Hi guys!

I'm sure you have all heard Sun's latest English single "Chinawine". Personally, i find that it is a great song to listen to, and i believe that you will like it as well.

I just want to comment in response to the uncomplimentary remarks made by the "newpaper "and "Wanpao" last week. Firstly, as a recording artiste, i do not feel that she is inappropriately dressed. In all our judgments, we should always consider the context of which the situation is based upon. I mean, you will get one tight slap from your teacher if you wore that to school, however, this is not a school, nor is it a nursery where everything is so sanitized that it smells of teletubbies. Let's just grow up and understand that it is appropriate for the culture in U.S.

Secondly, you should look beyond the superficial and listen to the message. Chinawine is a song about how girls should not cheapen themselves and engage in promiscuous acts.

Thirdly, instead of celebrating her success as the ONLY ASIAN to really have success in Hollywood. Remember how Rain, Coco Lee, Fann Wong, and to an extent, Jackie Chan faired there? SUN is the only artiste to top the U.S. billboard charts. Instead of applauding her for her achievements, critics are just only too eager to sharpen their forked tongues and slam her just because she strive for excellence on the international arena?

How long do we Singaporeans want to be stuck in our mud of mediocrity and look through our myopic scope from within our tiny wells? Instead let us start to think global, for the world is too big for us to dream for peanuts all the time. The sky is our limit. And it certainly lies beyond Changi Airport.

In the meantime, enjoy her song. Critics, eat your heart out!

p.s. You can read about Sun's own feelings on her blog here.

Monday 13 August 2007

You have been good to me all these years
You have been with me through the wilderness
I hide in the shadow of this outstretched wings
There I find comfort and You strengthen me

O, I will remember the works of my Lord
I will remember Your wonders of old
I will tell of Your wonderous deeds

I will worship You
Forever and ever


Friday 10 August 2007

Take this heart of stone
Breathe upon it and make me whole
Will you open the door
And lead me on

When my heart is overwhelmed
Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I
Rest in Your shadow
Where I will be safe
For this I know

At the price
Of the Son
You redeemed
Called me Your precious one

I will sing and give praise
My soul cries out this song
Awake my glory I will
Awaken the dawn

My heart is steadfast O God
My heart is steadfast


Tuesday 7 August 2007

Hey guys.. This is gonna be a short entry.

First up, as you all should have received Ryan's sms, do keep his elder brother in prayers, that he will have speedy recovery.

Secondly, hope all are blessed by FOP and the different sermons Pastor Phil preached. The sermon which impacted me the most is, Making Room For God. Though I have heard it for quite a fair bit of time, but everytime it is being preached, a revelation shows. We need to give Him the Lordship in our life, not only acknowledging as our Saviour. In the beginning I admit, it is really hard, but God didn't give us commandments in the bible to restrict or restrain us, but to protect us and for a life more abundantly. Trust God and His promises :)

My past week been so easy-time-flies-fast mood. Work is good, family is good, life is good overall. And we all find it easy to thank and praise God for a easy week but how about through our not-so-good times? It is easy to pay lips service to God, you know, its is so so so easy. But God look our heart through our toughest times. It is then our character and attitude in life really surface. Remember in Psalms 86..

6 Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer;
And attend to the voice of my supplications.
7 In the day of my trouble I will call upon You,
For You will answer me.

This verse has been my encouragement for a long time. Everytime when you want to look up into the contact book of your cell phone for someone you can call or the online list on your msn for someone to IM to, remember this verse, God will answer you. Your answer might not come instantaneously or your answer might come true through testing of time, but rest assured God will answer you.

This month is a new month, so face and live it with a brand new attitude. Our attitude can't be changed overnight but it can be changed through the passage of time :) Everyone have flaws in our life, but lets be constant encouragement and support to one another.

the Vertical & Horizon will not be complete without our ALL.

Be blessed, everyone have a good week !!!

Sunday 5 August 2007

First post for the month of August! I deserve a prize don't I? =)

Just share a Word that touched my heart today. It's from Psalm 57. Bible says that David was fleeing from Saul and he was hiding in a cave when he wrote this psalm.
Psalm 57 : 4, 6
My soul is among lions;
I lie among the sons of men
Who are set on fire,
Whose teeth are spears and arrows,
And their tongue a sharp sword.
They have prepared a net for my steps;
My soul is bowed down;

David was going through a hard time. He was in the valley at this point in time. King Saul was after his life, servants of Saul (probably people whom David knew as friends) were betraying David by reporting his location to their king, David had to run around looking for places to hide from those who were seeking his life and one of those places is this dark, cold, smelly, dirty, small little cave. You know I've been to many outfield exercises before and I've slept or rested in just about any kind of terrain. Swamps, thick jungles, banks of rivers. I can tell you that it's terribly uncomfortable (an understatement) and I suppose sleeping in a cave is no different, if not worse.
He was among lions, lions which were all ready to pounce on him and devour him. The place he called home was this cave he was hiding in. He was probably alone in that cave, forsaken by people around him. He was oppressed on every side. His soul was bowed down.
Yet, what was his response?

Psalm 57 : 7-8
My heart is steadfast, O God, my
heart is steadfast;
I will sing and give praise.
Awake, my glory!
Awake, lute and harp!
I will awaken the dawn

My heart is steadfast, O God. Even if the waves come crashing in, even if the floods overwhelm me, know, O God, that my heart will be unwavering. My lips will not seize praising Your holy name. I will sing of Your mercies forever and with my mouth I will make Your faithfulness known to all generations.

Get my point? =)

Have a blessed week ahead. Looking forward to seeing you guys again.